Join the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, & 健康,2022




  • 9月26日- 30日: Discuss hunger, nutrition 和 health issues in your class during the week

  • 9月28日: Live stream the White House conference in your class or in your community (会议流媒体时间表)在新窗口中打开

  • 10月6: Attend the CSUF symposium (in-person) 和 get involved in ending hunger 和 improving nutrition 和 health

    • 请考虑完成一篇短文 post-survey在新窗口中打开 参加座谈会后

由:  Undergraduate Research O机会 C输入 (UROC)
与来自 人类学, 公共卫生, 自由研究

For additional information visit the White House Conference on Hunger,  Nutrition, Health在新窗口中打开

下载白宫会议 CSUF卫星事件传单PDF文件 在新窗口中打开


During the week of Sept 26 - Sept 30 discuss the following questions in your class:

 1. How has hunger or diet-related disease impacted you, 你的家人, or your community? 

2. 你有什么节目?, 你的家人, or your community participate in or create to address hunger 和 diet-related diseases? 

3. What specific actions can you 和 your community take to achieve the goals of each of the 5 pillars (see below)? 

4. What are opportunities for public 和 private-sector partners to work together to achieve the goals of each pillar? 

5. What steps would you like to see the government take to address these issues?

看到 白宫卫星事件工具包PDF文件 在新窗口中打开  


To end hunger 和 increase healthy eating 和 physical activity to reduce diet-related diseases 和差异, the White House has specified areas of action in five pillars:

1. Improve food 访问 和 affordability: End hunger by making it easier for everyone — including urban, 郊区, 农村, tribal communities — to 访问 和 afford food. 例如, exp和 eligibility for 和 increase participation in food assistance programs 和 improve transportation to places where food is available.

2. Integrate nutrition 和 health: Prioritize the role of nutrition 和 food security in overall health, including disease prevention 和 management, ensure that our health care system addresses the nutrition needs of all people.

3. Empower all consumers to make 和 have 访问 to healthy choices: Foster environments that enable all people to easily make informed healthy choices, 增加获得健康食品的机会, encourage healthy workplace 和 school policies, invest in public messaging 和 education campaigns that are culturally appropriate 和 resonate with specific communities.

4. Support physical activity for all: Make it easier for people to be more physically active (in part by ensuring that everyone has 访问 to safe places to be active), increase awareness of the benefits of physical activity, conduct research on 和 measure physical activity.

5. Enhance nutrition 和 food security research: Improve nutrition metrics, 数据收集, research to inform nutrition 和 food security policy, 特别是在公平问题上, 访问, 和差异.

Get Involved in Ending Hunger 和 Improving Nutrition 和 Health

The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, Health


日期: 2022年10月6日

时间: 下午1时至3时30分

地点: LH 308


下午1:00 - 1:10 开场白和介绍 Dr. Archana McEligot, UROC Director 和 Professor, 公共卫生

Session 1: Research related to Hunger, Nutrition 和 Health
椅子(s):博士. Pimbucha Rusmevichientong

1:10 PM  主席的讲话

1:15 PM   粮食正义与环境 - Dr. April Bullock, Professor 和 Chair, 自由研究

1:25 PM   食品不安全 & 它对加州大学旧金山分校学生的影响 - Dr. Tabashir Nobari, Professor, 公共卫生

1:40 PM Food Choices – an Economics Perspective - Dr. Pimbucha Rusmevichientong, Professor, 公共卫生


椅子(s): Drs. 艾普丽尔·布洛克和莎拉·约翰逊

2:10 PM  主席的讲话

2:15 PM   Urban, Agriculture, Community-based Research Experience (U-ACRE) - Dr. Sara Johnson, Professor of 人类学 

2:30 PM 中心 for Internship 和 Community Engagement  

2:45 PM 基本需求 - Victoria Ajemian, Tuffy’s Basic Needs Services C输入 Coordinator

3:00 PM ASI CSUF食品储藏室 - Kristen Johansson, The Pantry Graduate Assistant

3:15 PM 地板上的讨论 

3:25 PM 结束语- Dr. April Bullock, Professor 和 Chair, 自由研究

*Group pictures will be taken during the session.

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Urban Agriculture Community-based Research Experience (U-ACRE)

Assistance at CSUF or Facilitated by CSUF


ASI食品储藏室在新窗口中打开 (scroll down Food Pantry section for more details)



现在怎么找食物? 第二丰收食品银行在新窗口中打开

如何提供帮助? Donate, Host a Virtual Food Drive, or Volunteer在新窗口中打开

如何做志愿者? 希望食品配送中心 在新窗口中打开

适合所有年龄人群的资源: 橙县免费食物地图 在新窗口中打开  


WIC (Women, Infants, Children) Program在新窗口中打开

Learn about hunger in California (including ways to get involved): 喂饱美国加州在新窗口中打开

Let’s Get Healthy California Food Security在新窗口中打开  

Public/private partnership efforts to end hunger by ending food waste在新窗口中打开